Friday, September 13, 2013

Spark of Amber Review and Giveaway!

Hey there! If you are a mom (or dad) of a teething child you probably have heard of amber teething necklaces. Spark of Amber kindly provided one for us to try out and I'm excited to share our experience with you! If you haven't heard of Amber necklaces let me allow Spark of Amber to tell you a little bit about them. 

Spark of Amber:
Baltic Amber is a fossilized resin. Europeans greatly prize this beautiful stone for its claimed 100% natural anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, and calming properties. The healing oils of the Baltic Amber are said to relieve teething pain, tame baby’s irritability and relieve inflammation in the throat, ear, and stomach. 

The necklace I received can be found here. It is a great length and fits both our 7 month old and our 2 year old. The pieces are nice and smooth and has not irritated their skin, which is something I was a bit worried about because both our children have very sensitive skin. 
Safety! As parent's we're always thinking about our kid's safety right? When I received our necklace I was very glad to see that it is knotted between each and every bead, which means if for some reason it breaks they won't be all over the floor as a choking hazard. If it broke, only one bead would come loose - at the place where the string broke.

They are cute! My daughter has not really had an experience with jewelry yet so I wasn't sure if she would tug at it or be annoyed with it on. I was surprised when she didn't even seem to notice it was on. It's a cute fashion accessory for her even without regard to the beads doing their job. I was even more worried that my 7 month old would tug at it and was a tad worried he'd yank it off and break it. It's long enough on him that I can slip it under his shirt (which is actually ideal so the beads contact more of his skin) and he forgets all about it. 

I wasn't sure how a yellow necklace would look on a boy but I think it works! For the most part though he has been wearing it under his shirt to give more contact with the skin (except for the pictures) so if that is a concern for you wearing it under the shirt makes it virtually unseen. 

So does it work? Well Wes hasn't really been teething this week (or maybe he has and the necklace has helped??) so it's hard to say. I was quite skeptical but I had a headache the other day and decided to put the necklace in my fist to see if it helped and my headache went away pretty quickly. Placebo affect? Maybe, but it can't hurt so next time I get a headache I'll be trying it again! 

** These necklaces are not intended to be chewed on and they are not intended to be worn while sleeping for safety reasons**

Wes had just woken up from a nap and was still a little sleepy when I was taking pictures :)

Giveaway time! Spark of Amber is giving away a teething necklace to one of my readers. Use the widget below to enter. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
 If you like my blog please click the image below. 
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  1. I love amber necklaces and would love to give one to a mom who has been looking for one, yet has been unable to get one for a price she could afford!

  2. I relly need to get one of these for my LO she's in so much pain she can't sleep! Screams randomly in pain can't wait to try one out and see if it works! I've always been skeptical but now ill try anything! :)

  3. I was just reading about these the other day and was curious.. My 6 month old little boy is so miserable with this drooling and teething. I hope I win :)

  4. I would like to win this amber necklace for my daughter that's teething.

  5. My son just turned a year old and he is teething. He has eight teeth right now and I would love to compare with and without the necklace.

  6. I would love to win this necklace for my 6mo old son who is teething like crazy!

  7. My son is starting to teethe. Would love one!

  8. I LOVE Amber jewelry. I would love to win this for someone since my son already has one. Thank you for the chance! :)

  9. I am a gemstone addict..I believe 100% in their metaphysical/healing properties! This would be a wonderful gift for my grandaughter!

    ps..would be nice to have more entries for those of us who don't do Twitter ):

  10. My baby is drooling like CRAZY! I want to try one Now! ;)

  11. I am expecting, and I've read about how much amber helps for teething! Cute pics of your little ones!

  12. I would love to win this for my cranky little teether! He is 11 months old and has 4 teeth...we have a long way to go! LOL ;)

  13. love love love amber teething necklaces & expecting #2 any day now :) would love another one.

  14. My daughter is starting to teethe and I would love to see if this helps her.

  15. I'd love to win the necklace because my little girl has just started teething... and it's clear we'll need all the help we can get to survive a whole mouthful of teeth! :D

  16. I would LOVE to win a mama necklace because my son has one and not only does he look so darn adorable, but it helps soothe him like no other! Spark of Amber uses the best quality and safety measures when making their necklaces, and I feel safe putting it on my child knowing that each bead is individually knotted and it has a screw on tie in the back! LOVE!

  17. I've been wanting to get one for my son who has a lot of allergies to see if it would help him.

  18. I would love to ease some of my sons pain. I've been eyeing them down but haven't had the funds to try one out. I've heard good things.

  19. I would like to win this for my daughter to use while teething. She is so miserable even with teething tablets or tylenol. I figure it couldn't hurt to give one a try.

  20. My son is currently getting 4 upper front teeth in (yes at once)! It would be a huge help to save a little money on this as the money would have to come out of our grocery funds.

  21. I'd love to win this - it's amazing how well these things work!

  22. We would love to win this because my lo just started teething and we haven't tried amber yet!

  23. I would love to win this because my daughter is teething, and we haven't gotten her a necklace yet! They have helped my sister's babies so much!

  24. I would love to have this for my baby girl, teething is sooo hard on her ( and all of us ) ;)

  25. I love that amber necklaces not only help with teething but they're cute too! I would love to have one for my little girl due in December.

  26. My boy is getting close to teething, so I'd love to try this for him.

    bonnechanceb at gmail dot com

  27. I have several friends who either have teething babies, or are going to have teething babies, would love to gift to one of them.

  28. Could use this for my 5 month old!!

  29. I have heard such good things about amber necklaces. I would love to try one out for my soon-to-arrive baby #4!

  30. My daughter needs a new teething necklace.

  31. My daughter outgrew her other baltic amber necklace. She has her 2 year molars coming in now and could really use this necklace.

  32. My son has been a drooly, cranky mess & I've heard that amber might be his solution.
