Friday, September 21, 2012

This Time Around....

** The MLB Moby Wrap giveaway ends tonight at midnight so don't forget to head over here and enter!

Great after that title (This time around...) I have that Hanson song stuck in my head. You know the one... no? You aren't still stuck at being 13? Must just be me :) Here it is

Hi Apple, meet Orange. Let's compare.
When I got pregnant with Norah I had no expectations as to what pregnancy would be like, well I knew I'd have a huge belly and that was about it, I had no clue I'd want a Thanksgiving size dinner every night (and morning and at noontime...) - I mean I had never been pregnant before so of course I didn't actually know what to expect. 

*Side note, I also didn't realize how annoying questions would get towards the end... "You haven't had that baby yet??" 3,000th time "Oh no, actually I did, I just left her at home, I figured she's 3 days old she can hold down the fort" I know people are well meaning but being pregnant certainly taught me what NOT to say to pregnant women. 

This time I guess I just assumed most things would happen the same, but this pregnancy has been totally different! I knew it was going to be different when I started running to the bathroom after making Norah her morning oatmeal. I didn't get morning sickness the first time - I guess I could only be lucky once! With Norah my stomach got that cute pregnant look when it got firm at 15 weeks. I'm currently sitting at 20 1/2 weeks with a still flabby just chunky looking tummy - nice. Oh, and I thought I was tired the first time around... yeah I'm exhausted by 9am now. Having a toddler around makes being pregnant very different (for me) that's for sure!

It's not all bad this time around though! I got to feel the baby kick earlier and I haven't been as worried about checking the heartbeat with my doppler every day like I was with Norah. Also this time I know exactly what comes from all of the bloating, sleepless nights and swollen ankles... it's amazing how right at delivery you forget how bad that sciatic nerve felt as it sent a wave of electricity down your leg. 

For those that have had more than one pregnancy, were they pretty similar or were they very different? 

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1 comment:

  1. Similar but different! My first I had a little morning sickness & gained quite a bit of weight. My second I had TONS of sickness and complications and ended up losing some weight before gaining any. This time around (I totally remember that song!) I have only lost weight so far and the sickness was rough, but is pretty much tapering off. I have a bump but so far only people I know have noticed it - it's that weird stage where people aren't sure whether to say anything in case I'm just fat, LOL.
