Tuesday, September 3, 2013


We spent our Labor Day weekend camping with my parents! I have always loved camping since I was a kid. Riding around the campground on our bikes, fishing, participating in the campground's activities... and S'mores! Of course, lots and lots of S'mores! 

Recently my mom saw an idea on Pinterest, which sadly I can't link to because I'm not sure where she saw it, where you put all of your S'more ingredients in a container. Um, smart! We've always just grabbed the individual things and laid them out on the table and they took up more space while packing. We had a bit of a system going where people were roasting marshmallows while she was putting them together out of her little box she had sitting on her lap :) Worked well for us!

Speaking of things working well... I LOVED the addition of swapping the chocolate piece for a Reece's cup. I didn't know you could make a S'more taste even better! I liked it best with the big marshmallow so there was enough melted goodness for the Reece's cup. 

Do you enjoy camping? Have any great camping ideas?

*Coming up:
    - A new post in my "This or That" series
    - Dance classes!

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