Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Lately I've been in a bit of a "my babies are growing up!" phase and a bit sappy about it so I'm going to change things up a bit for my Thankful Thursday.

Today I'm going to write about why I am thankful they are growing up:

1. Wes was colic. It was terrible. He spent his first 4 months sleeping, eating or crying. We don't feel like we "met" him until about 4 months in as we didn't see any personality until then. I'm very thankful he's out of that stage.
2. Norah is almost 100% potty trained (aside from sleeping). Yay for no more poop diapers for her!
3. Norah is FINALLY 27 months into her life sleeping through the night!! For over a week now she's slept all night, which is HUGE news in our house. 
4. Wesley has almost outgrown his infant carseat. I hate that thing. Not because it's a bad one, in fact we were blessed that someone gifted us such a nice one - but they are heavy and awkward, especially for a short gal like myself.
5. Norah can communicate so much better than she could even just a few months ago. She can repeat after us and she is hilarious! I'm so thankful we get to experience some of her thoughts :)
6. Wesley no longer is nursing every single hour, which was tough on my sanity. He's a normal child that just nurses every few hours now. 
7. Most of all I'm thankful that my children are growing up healthy and happy and that I get to be a part of that. 
What are you thankful for today?

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  1. We have two kids. I want one more. I have gone through four cycles with out pregnancy. This bums me out. But I was laying in bed last night thinking about how thankful I am that while I am not pregnant, both of my boys sleep through the night. At this point if I don't get a good nights sleep it is my own fault. A baby will bring me back to the lack of sleep days. But I still want one!

  2. I'm so thankful that my oldest is loving kindergarten, but i miss her!

  3. I would love one more but am thankful for sleeping through the night and am really looking forward to the end of the Terrible Twos
