Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Giving Tuesday 2013


You've heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but do you know there is a Giving Tuesday? Today is the 2nd annual "Giving Tuesday" What better time to give back than now? With our tummies full and our trees going up, I hope that we remember to think of those that may need a little help before we empty our wallets on one too many candy canes. 

Giving Tuesday was started last year and here is what I found on what it is:
Question: What is #GivingTuesday™?
Answer: #GivingTuesday™ (#GT) is a movement to create a national day of giving to kick off the giving season added to the calendar on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The second annual GivingTuesday is on December 3, 2013. In the same way that retail stores take part in Black Friday, we want the giving community to come together for #GivingTuesday. We ask that partners create and commit to a project for/on #GivingTuesday and then help spread the word to their networks. 

Are you participating in Giving Tuesday? Maybe you are donating to a global cause? Or maybe you are keeping it local. It can be something as simple as buying that guy that you always pass on the way home from work that sits there with the sign a quick meal or maybe dropping a few coins into the Salvation Army bucket on your way in the door to get groceries. Maybe you have a neighbor who has been out of a job for weeks/months/years and can't seem to find work, do you have a handyman job that he'd be perfect for around the house? A $50 job could help his family out. 
If you have kids there are plenty of ways to get them involved! It doesn't have to be monetary. Here are a few child friendly Giving Tuesday ideas:


-Have them go through their toys and pick a few to donate. 
-Encourage them to donate their allowance this week (if they have one) to a cause/charity.
-Have them help a neighbor. 
-Go shopping for an Angel Tree kid (or your local program).
-Write a solider a letter or color a picture to mail to them.
-Have them go with you while you donate blood. They can't yet donate but seeing your example will encourage them.
-Raid your panty for canned goods you could donate to your local food bank. 

Comment and let me know if you are participating in Giving Tuesday!

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1 comment:

  1. Ohhh I LOVE this!! I hope this gets as big as Black Friday - how amazing would that be!
