Sunday, September 8, 2013

6 Tips for Enjoying Football Season When You Aren't a Fan

I realize that some lots of people enjoy watching a game of football, sadly I'm just not one of them. I have a reoccurring joke that I only enjoy football for the nachos. I'm a baseball girl at heart and football just simply has never been on my radar. I have a team, but only because it's the team my parents and husband root for (Go Dolphins!). I know that stereotypically men enjoy football and women may or may not, but I know plenty of women that are die hard football fanatics and some men who could care less so this isn't geared solely towards women by any means. 

Seeing as football season is officially here I thought I'd share some tips for those of us who don't have a built in desire to watch the sport.  


1. Take full advantage of the food.
      Seriously. There is a reason why this is the first "tip" I decided on. Come football season my Sundays are filled with nachos, wings and chili - not all on one Sunday... though maybe hm... I really enjoy cooking and so I enjoy trying new recipes out. Have a killer dip recipe that you never have a reason to make? Now you do!

2. Learn the game. 
      So you don't have to be an expert but it really does make it less boring to understand what is going on. My husband played football in high school and seeing as we were high school sweethearts I naturally picked up some things while watching him. As your partner/friends a question about the game, it just might make their day :) Maybe you will find out that you actually do like football, you just didn't know enough to realize it. 

3. Join a fantasy/Pick 'em league with family and friends.
      I know nothing about the stats on players or teams but that doesn't stop me from playing in a family and friends Pick 'em group on yahoo every year. Bears against the Giants? Well obviously Giants are bigger than Bears, so Giants for the win! Titans against the 49ers? I like the Titans colors more, so I go with the Titans. Real scientific! If I'm being honest, I don't even know if those teams play each other. Get competitive, then you can brag about how you are doing awesome in your league even though you don't know as much as the gurus. 

4. Socialize
      Maybe every Sunday you get together with some family or friends for the games. If you have a big enough group chances are there is another person there that is as lost as you are or uninterested as you might be. You just might form a few new relationship thanks to the sport. 

5. Go to a game!
      A few years ago my husband and I went to our first professional hockey game. We really didn't know much about the sport and honestly didn't really care either way about the sport. It didn't turn us into lifelong fanatics but we really enjoyed ourselves! Not only did we enjoy ourselves but if we see one in passing on TV we tend to stop and enjoy it for a little bit. Professional sport games can be a lot of fun in person even if you don't know much about it. The atmosphere can be a blast!

6. Scrap it and enjoy a hobby if it just isn't doing it for you. 
     Lastly, if you still can't get into the football spirit, use the time to find a hobby you enjoy or catch up on one you have abandoned. A football game lasts what? 3 hours? Go for a run, go to the store, take the kids to the park if they aren't into the game either. You could get a pretty sweet nap in during those 3 hours. 
Are you a football fan? If so what team do you root for? If not do you have any tips for enjoying football season??

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  1. This is so funny to read today because I was just complaining to my husband I couldn't believe I let him play fantasy football again. Literally football all day. I think I will be going to my mom's every Sunday!

  2. I love going to football games and football parties! Just not a fan of actually watching the game, haha. Maybe once the boys are older I'll be able to get back into it!

  3. This is an awesome list! While I am a football fan myself, I still think every one enjoys food and a game in person! Plus, if you're competitive than a joining a fantasy team makes your way more interested! Love this.
