Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yep, I'm Being THAT Mom

In my every day life I don't usually have chats about my children's bathroom experiences... but we're all friends here right? Okay good! Before having a toddler I used to scoff a bit when parents would publicly talk about potty training, hello! That's private! Okay yes I still think not everyone needs to know the details of your toddler's bathroom trips, we moms (and dads!) need advice sometimes! So yes, I'm being THAT mom. 

When our daughter was about 15 months old we bought her one of those potty chairs. We were feeling very ambitious... well and maybe I was reading one too many stories about child prodigies who potty trained themselves at 9 months old and never looked back. Okay so maybe not 9 months, but seriously I felt like left and right I was reading about kids jumping on the potty train when they were the same age as my daughter and like every other good mom, I don't want my kids getting behind!

Yep, I'm being "That Mom" posting this kind of picture...

Yeah. My kid apparently wasn't a potty training prodigy.  Sure, she sat on it a time or two but that was about it, it ended up being an eyesore a decoration in our bathroom. Honestly though I didn't give it a second thought. She had other ideas as to what this new "toy" was I was fine with that.
Sorry for the cropped Instagram quality photo :)

Fast forward to just after her 2nd birthday and we decided to give it an actual shot. Having two in diapers just isn't all it's cracked up to be for me. She actually did really well right out of the gate and she is now practically 100% in big girl pants at home (aside from when she's sleeping)! Yay!! But we have an issue.

She has a phobia of public toilets

Even if we take her seat attachment she knows it's a trick, that there is a public toilet under it. She's on to us. It has nothing to do with the flush, it really is the actual seat (and like I said, even with her seat attachment that she uses perfectly fine at home).

We've taken her out a few times in public without a diaper but I'm honestly a bit scared to. She's stayed dry sometimes and not so much other times. I don't want her to start having accidents in the middle of Kroger and then have a regression but at the same time I feel like every time I throw a diaper on her to go out I am hindering her moving onto the step of being 100% potty trained even in public. 

Was transitioning from inside the home to outside the home easy for your child? For you? How did you get over that hurdle? 
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  1. Honestly I can't help you much here because I have boys. Two out of the three are what I call "Potty Sniffers" because every single time we go out in public, they MUST use the public toilet. At one time, my youngest was a little wary of the auto flush toilets because they were so loud. I learned to put my hand over the sensor and that took care of that.
    I really wouldn't worry too much about your little one not wanting to potty in public, and putting her in a diaper to go out won't hinder her in my opinion. She's pretty little yet. Three of my boys were almost 4 by the time they were completely potty trained.
    My dad gave me good advice on this, "I've never seen a kid go to kindergarten in diapers," and he's right.
    Although I do hear you with having multiple kids in diapers. I had at least one child in diapers or night time pants for 13 years; a majority of those years there were two.

  2. We haven't had a problem with her going in public places, but she cannot go a whole night. She's almost 4!

  3. We have that seat system from Bemis at home that incorporates a kid's seat. Home Depot has it and it puts them right on the regular toilet. It seems to have worked for our little one and made the transition out of the house okay. Best of luck for your little one.

  4. My 2nd son just turned 2 a little while ago and he completely potty trained himself in a weekend. I think having an older brother was a big help. He doesn't have issues with public toilets he just doesn't realize public places have toilets so sometimes that means accidents.
    I'm glad he's mostly potty trained because I agree, 2 in diapers is no fun.

  5. For some odd reason my oldest child LIKED public restrooms. She had to check them ALL out. I never could quite understand why...

  6. HAHA I really dislike hearing about "those children" that were potty trained at 9 months. I have a boy and it was certainly a struggle! We worked at it for probably a good year and then one day it finally clicked! Every kiddo learns at a different pace.

  7. I liked reading this because Zeva is about ready to be potty trained. She's starting to show interest at least. I just hope it works quickly. I'm tired of changing diapers.

  8. I hope Jessica's experience is ours for our second. We have that potty and she won't use it - except AFTER she has gone and will only do a big potty. She just turned 2 so I hope it kicks in soon.

  9. My 9 year old son has a huge public restroom phobia. At school we actually had to get special permission to use the nurse's bathroom. He has always been like this.

  10. When my kids were little over 35 years ago, I had three in diapers all at once. My son didn't potty train 100% until he was almost ready to go to Kindergarten at age 5. I have found that it is useless to try to train them if they are not ready. When they are ready, they will take to it really quickly.

  11. It wasn't too big a hurdle for us. BUT I have friends that had this problem - they'd put a potty seat in the back of the car and let the kid use that when they were out. Hopefully that'll help? GOOD LUCK!

  12. We brought a potty chair in the trunk/back of suv every where we went. If she had to potty at a restraunt we went out to potty in the car. I would stop at a park with a bathroom to clean it out or an abandoned field and make sure to have lysol and clorox wipes at all times :)
