Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mother and Son Date

I love having two kids. I love that Norah can't go to bed without giving Wes a hug and a kiss, I love that Wes watches Norah's every move. One thing that is tough for me though being a mommy of two, is trying to find one on one time, especially with them being so close in age. I want to make sure I give them each my undivided attention outside of bedtime. I want to know each of them as individuals, and I want to make sure they get all of me. 

Last night our girl stayed the night with her Grammie and Papa so this morning when the husband went for a run and I wasn't feeling it, Wes and I went out for a breakfast date. He's not yet a good conversationalist but he is a pretty good listener - which in and of itself makes a great date :)
My handsome breakfast date

There was no running after a toddler, there was no making sure the girl child isn't spilling her drink etc. All of those things are fine and dandy but since she's at a needy stage of her life, Wes often just kind of sits there. This morning though, he got to have me. He may only be 7 months old, but he was a great breakfast mate. 

Those of you with more than one kid, do you try to spend time with them individually? What are some things you do for that special one on one time?
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