Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Oh my goodness folks! We went and looked at a preschool yesterday for our little girl. You know, the little girl that was JUST born. Okay so to be fair it isn't a full blown preschool class she would be in, but it is a part of the preschool and it certainly feels like preschool to me! There are crafts and games and story time and snack of course. 

She will be attending twice a week in the mornings. A bit part of us having her attend is to help her learn some social skills. She spends most of her time home with just Wes and I, and let's face it, Wes can't quite stand up for himself yet. I want her to learn to share, I want her to learn how it feels when someone isn't sharing with her so that she can know how important it is to share, I want her to know how to listen to a teacher. There are things that they can teach her more easily than myself. It would be a bit tough to teach her to stand in a single file line when it is just her. 

Plus she gets to participate in a Christmas program, how fun is that?

Did any of you put your children in preschool early? (so pre-preschool) Ours is actually called, "Parent's Day Out". 

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