Friday, October 4, 2013

One Day

One Day...

If you walk into my house at 6am there won't be a screaming baby, barking dog and toddler repeatedly asking for yogurt and pancakes. 

There won't be a million little hand prints on every window in my house that I need to wipe off.

I won't get peanut butter smeared all over my clean shirt right as we are walking out the door.

I will be able to walk in and out of a store without some sort of meltdown. 

I will sleep all night.

The shows that I have recorded on DVR will get watched before the next week's episode airs.

I won't have a child have a diaper blow out in public leaving me trying to use a wipe to clean off my shirt. 

I will go to the bathroom by myself and without a child knocking on the door/putting their hands under the door/yelling at me. 

My kids won't wake up at 4am wanting to get in bed with us, taking up the entire bed, poking me in the face, kicking me in the back and wanting to have their face .15 of an inch from mine. 

We won't inturrupt everyone at a restaurant when my child suddenly stands up and starts singing loudly.

I won't have to wipe a snotty nose.

We won't have to pay for a babysitter.

My house will be quiet and clean.

And I will be sad and want it all back. 

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