Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sleep Texting

As I've mentioned 345,603 times before, we have terrible sleepers. We've tried every trick in the book from immediately going to them to cry it out to prayer to baths. Pretty much everything shy of casting a spell of some sort, and sometimes at 3am I wouldn't rule it out... Finally our almost 2 1/2 year old is sleeping through the night almost every night, and while our 7 month old had been doing okay (but not sleeping through) before, he is now up much more often as he is teething. It certainly is a challenge, and I forget what it is like to consistently sleep through the night myself (I can probably count on one hand how many full nights of sleep I have gotten since the summer of 2011), I have come to accept it and repeat "This too shall pass" often. I wouldn't trade my beautiful children for a full night of sleep. 

So two nights ago when he woke up during the 2 O'Clock hour Matt went up to him in an effort to not have him nurse back to sleep, which we are trying to break him of. Well after a while I rolled over to send him a text (Matt, not Wes... though maybe that would help - "Wes, Hi this is your mother, please STTN, TTYL... you know in the AM") telling him he could just go ahead and bring him in our bedroom and I would nurse him. Typically my husband does not have his phone on him in the middle of the night so this was my first half asleep error. I remember holding my phone thinking I was texting him. Suddenly Matt walks into the room with Wes and I sit up and tell him I was texting him and look down at my text. This is what I saw:

Apparently texting while you are half asleep results in gibberish that no one can interpret (and he didn't even have his phone on him of course). 

Have you ever texted someone while you were asleep or almost asleep? Maybe you texted the wrong person?

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