Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sili Squeeze!

You know those $1 single use food pouches at the grocery store for tots? I hate buying them. Not really for the health factor because they ones I buy are single ingredient (or if more than one ingredient it's because it's more than one fruit or veggie), but instead because they are a ripoff. $1 for a couple ounces of applesauce?! The little one loves them though, and they are super convenient for on the go snacks. 

Then I heard of the Sili Squeeze.. I first heard about them about a year ago and had every intention of ordering one and other things just always came up and I felt like every time I bought one of those expensive single use pouches I would tell the husband that as soon as we got home we were ordering on of the Sili pouches. 

Well! I finally got one in the mail today and I can't wait to write a review on it! We're going to try it out for a few days and I'll have a full write up about it next week. 

Have you heard of the Sili Squeeze?? Do you have one? 

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