Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday

This week our girl started at preschool. Well kind of. A church in our community has a program that is basically pre-preschool and it is called, "Parent's Day Out". She attends twice a week in the mornings. We decided to enroll her because she doesn't really have a lot of socialization time or structured time with adults other than the hubs and I. We want her to learn to make friends and the ever important sharing aspect. Also it will give some one on one time at home with the little mister than he doesn't typically get. 

She loves it! On her first day she didn't even look back when they took her in from the carline and she came home sporting an oh so cute fireman hat that she had colored :) Oh and in case you were wondering she said they had "fishies" for snack. 

I'm so thankful that our community has a program like this for her and that we are able to enroll her. I really think she's going to love getting away from mom from time to time and go to "school". 

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