Friday, October 18, 2013

The One Without a Picture

I normally like to include pictures in my blog posts. I mean really, blog posts just aren't as fun without a handful of pictures thrown in right? Well this post will likely not contain a picture. 

Why? Well because I'm not a fan of injury pictures, and this post is about a horrible, awful, no good injury.

It all started last Saturday after moving the majority of our stuff into our new place. The hubs had just gotten back from a quick trip into work and it was 9:30pm and we were just wanting to quickly move the couch around in the living room to give ourselves a little breathing room. I was standing behind the couch and my in a hurry proactive husband quickly and fiercely pushed the couch towards me thinking I was paying attention and moving in the same direction. I was likely in LaLa Land until....


Like super Ow.

Like deep breath in, no breath out, let's be a big girl and not cry... Ow. 

When he pushed the couch back it caught my toe. More specifically my toe nail. Even more specifically my big toe nail. Without going into too many gross details, it ripped half of it off. Of course I didn't really know the details myself until about 45 minutes later when I was finally brave enough to look (and only after I made the husband take a picture and show that to me first, thinking it would lessen the blow... it didn't). 

It's now Friday and I can finally walk like a normal person. For the first two days I didn't leave the house, too timid to put even a flip flop on (I'm telling you, it hurt!). I was also pretty stinking scared of getting an infection. Thankfully I am fairly certain I am passed the prime infection time and I've been keeping it clean thanks to twice daily epson salt soaks (hellllllo dried out feet). 

Sure it hurt when it happened, it also has hurt to walk - especially at first, it also hurts to change my pants, or if I roll over in my sleep.... but you want to know what I hate most about it?? I read that it can take 12-18 months to be 100% grown back, that's a long stinking time!! Thankfully we are headed into close toe shoe season right?

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