Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Christmas gifts have always been big news in my family. My sister and I (okay maybe it was just me) would wake up silly early (like 4am) on Christmas morning. We simply couldn't wait any longer, there were presents waiting to be opened!


Our gifts would be overflowing from under the tree. In fact, on Christmas morning, when we arrive at my parent's house, it is STILL like this - maybe even more so now that there are grandkids. Yes, of course getting lots of stuff was fun as a kid, but more than that, it was the anticipation of opening each gift knowing there were more to come. It didn't really matter what was beneath the wrapping paper. Santa knew this as typically items that could have been wrapped together were wrapped separately. Why put 3 nail polish bottles in a box when it can be made into 3 individual presents to unwrap?!

So first off, I'm thankful for the fun Christmas morning memories I have as a child. Second off, I'm thankful that while sure, there are things I'd love to get our kids for Christmas that we simply can't - for the most part we are able to provide them with plenty of gifts. Not only that but we will be donating a few gifts this year as well. 

As you are doing your holiday shopping this year, please keep families in mind that may be unable to provide gifts for their children. If you are able to, please help provide their children with an exciting morning. I know the parents would be forever grateful. It would be tough to wake up on Christmas morning and not have a gift for my child. That thought alone is enough motivation for me to drop a toy in the donation bin next time I'm at the store. 

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