I'm not a cold weather person. I'm fine with fall and sweatshirt weather, but when that temp drops, I'm not thrilled. With that said, I DO like snow! (well you know, if I don't have to drive in it) So when it snowed the passed weekend my girl and I had to get out into it.
Last year she wasn't such a fan but this year she is all about it. I asked her something like 20 times if her hands were cold and she just kept saying no. They HAD to have been cold... we had gloves on but mine were cold, so I think she was too excited to be cold. We had a blast making a snowman and she woke up yesterday morning wanting to make another one :)
I had the husband take pictures of us from inside while he held Wes, so Norah was slightly confused as to where she should be looking :)
Have you gotten any snow yet this year? Love it? Hate it? Don't care?
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We've had snow now for several days. It snows, melts, snows again :) Central Illinois for ya.