Showing posts with label Hot coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot coffee. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hot Coffee?!

It's not often that I get to finish a cup of hot coffee. Usually I find my abandoned mug half filled with cold coffee. My kids wake up before the Sun and so while I would love to always wake up before them, get myself together and sit down and consume a hot coffee, it just doesn't happen that way. I get busy with the kids and well hot coffee just doesn't happen after those first few sips. 


Until this morning. This morning I was up very early and made myself a cup of joe, very excitedly knowing that I was going to sit in a quiet, near dark room and enjoy it. My last sip was not going to be cold this time! Ohhhh the simple things in life. I poured my coffee, added my milk and made my way to the couch. Yay! It was going to happen!

I plopped down on the couch. I should have never plopped on the couch. See this was my mistake. With a 2 year old and 8 month old, they coffee I do get to drink I a typically standing, taking swigs of it as I walk by it on the counter. 

Darn the glorious option to plop. When I plopped myself on the couch, my coffee plopped itself all over me. I had filled that mug up to the brim, what was I thinking?! I now had hot coffee all over my lap. 

Oh, then the kids woke up. 

It's okay, one day I will know what the last sip of coffee tastes like :)

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Hot Coffee

It's a great day when you get to drink your coffee still hot (at least to this mama). 

That's all.