Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Often my "Thankful Thursdays" are filled materialistic things so I wanted to change it up today.

5 non material things I am thankful for (in no particular order):

1. My children. As I've shared before, there was a time when I wasn't sure if I would be able to carry a child. I feel so incredibly blessed that I am on this side of my infertility battle and that I get these moments with them - all of them, from the cranky, snot nosed, no sleeping, time out taking times to the hugs, cuddles, kisses, first times.

2. My faith. I'm continually growing. I'm thankful that I have a God that is patient with me, that is willing to guide me and comfort me. I'm thankful I know God.

3. My parents. We loved living in Florida, absolutely loved it. In fact most days I'm ready to pack up and head back down. I miss it to my very core and if I could I would most certainly live the rest of my life there. But I can't. My family is up here in boring ole Indiana and unless they get the memo on the fantasticness of my "home" in Florida, we'll be here to stay. 

4. Health. None of my immediate family has major health issues. I'm not in and out of the hospital myself nor am I in an out of the hospital visiting loved ones. My children are healthy and I don't have to watch them being poked and prodded. I know just how lucky I am to have seen the inside of a hospital very few times.

5. My education. I never decided to go to college. It wasn't really something I decided it just happened. I always just assumed that came after high school. I often complain about the six digit amount of college debt we have but I'm thankful that I even had the opportunity to get a degree... even if I will be paying for it long after my children are adults most likely. 

So what non-material things are you thankful for today? Have a "Thankful Thursday" post? Share it in the comments!

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