Friday, October 25, 2013

Sili Squeeze Review

Way back before we moved... you know... back when I was blogging regularly? Well I posted here about getting the Sili in the mail. We've had a chance to try it out!
First of all, I love the look. 

My friends over at The Sili Company provided me with their "Apple" colored 4oz Sili Squeeze. We don't have very much red around the house so I love that this sticks out so I'm not constantly loosing it. 

Let me get to the only downside I found with the product before I overload you with my love for this product. There are two different spouts with the Sili. I chose to get the spill proof spout. Here is what that spout looks like:

They squeeze it with their gums/teeth to open the spout. 

The other spout is completely open. 

It does a VERY good job of keeping the product in... but because of that it is a bit hard for my kiddos to get it out - especially my 7 1/2 month old. I think he will eventually get the hang of it but it might take him awhile. To be fair though Sili included a disclaimer saying that it does take some children longer than others to get the hang of it. I wish it was a little less stiff so it was easy to get the food out, but I'm sure the company tested it out and found that by making it easier to get out compromised the spill proof quality. 

Now that we got that out of the way, I stinking love it. I love that I can put whatever I want in it... yogurt? Check! Applesauce? Check! Homemade purees? Check! Jarred baby food? Check! Heck, I needed to entertain the little mister for a few minutes the other day and quickly put water in it and handed it to him. It kept him entertained AND it didn't spill. 

I love that I'm not spending anywhere from 88 cents to $1.69 like I was before on the prepackaged varieties. I love that I know 100% exactly what is in the food I'm handing my child. I love that my daughter can have an on the go snack such as yogurt and it not get everywhere. I also love that it has a nice lid that snaps on further preventing any spills when not in use - even though like I said before, I put water in it, held it upside down and without squeezing it couldn't get more than a tiny bit to trickle out. 

This baby is dishwasher safe as well. Score. All of the components come off and makes for easy cleaning. I have a few sippy cups that I can't get clean because they don't come completely apart so I certainly can appreciate that this product does. 

Well then of course you have the environmental factor of not tossing all of those disposable pouches away. 

I would certainly recommend this product. I may end up ordering the "ease" spout so it's easier to get the food out for my kids and see how they do with that. If I end up doing it I'll certainly update you and let you know if I prefer that spout. 

Have you heard of the Sili Squeeze? Have one? Do you like it? 
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